Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Why do the Gentiles rage, in the peoples meditate emptiness ? The sovereigns of the earth take this stand, And the rulers take the a counsel together , Against YHWY and against his Mashiah , " "Let us tear apart Their bonds , And throw away Their ropes from us ." He Who is sitting in the Shamayayyim laughs , YHWY mocks at them.
Then He speaks to them inHis wrath ,
And troubles them inHis rage , " But I have put My Sovereign On Tsiyon , My qodesh mountain ."
" I inscribed for a law:
YHWY has said to Me , "' You are My Ben ,
Today I have brought You fourth.
' Ask of Me ,
And I make the gentiles Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth Your is possession .
' Break them with a rod of iron , Dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel. ' "
And now , be wise , O sovereigns ;
Be instructed , you rulers of the earth. Serve YHWY with reverence ,
And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Ben , lest He be enraged ,
And you perish in the way,
For soon His wrath is to be kindled.
Baruke are all those taking refuge in Him .

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