Monday, May 23, 2016

Midday Prayer -

🌹 - Midday prayer -today we come together
before you ABBA FATHER YHWY - ELOHIM IN YESHUA -Asking that anyone reading this that you come into agreement with me seeking prayer before our ABBA FATHER - read this prayer over and over again to reach deep into your spirit let us pray - father we come unto agreement before you now online in the wonderful powerful name of YESHUA when two or more gathered are gathered in prayer you touching it shall shurly become According to your word -The Bible says that if there's any Unconfessed sin we must admit it before you and forgive it and release any bad feelings or wrong attitudes before you now - and we release - anyone who has harmed us in anyway . Any - resentment and all unforgiveness now . In YESHUA - name we release & forgive those in YESHUA name - anyone - who comes and believes in you and comes into agreement with your word - will be granted with the victory . Please help get the reader to prosper in their walk with you - encouraging them to pray and spend time with you and your word daily -help them in knowing you intimately and personally - To submit and surrender to you daily - Father - those things that are useless and void in YESHUA name we cast out and lay it at your feet . As I think about protection- I think - TEHILLIM 91- PSALMS 91- states -the ones who stay in the secret place of the most high - that you hide them from the strength of evil - we pray against the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind without fear portrait of you in YESHUA name ADORNI- directed all their steps and make Their paths clear - Let the pathway of the readers take that path that leads to victory in the name of YESHUA- help them to think and meditate on your word -because it is health and moistening to their bones strength & and mighty in power for the reader by the power of the RUACH HA' KADOSH - himself - YHWY - IN - YESHUA - we pray for the readers of strengths and their refuge to overcome in every area and trusting in you alone - for this is pleasing in your site -let them remain stable and fixed on true light the shadow of the Almighty - YHWY- is the listeners strengths and their refuge confidently trust in you and your work - they have superhuman supernatural strength to walk in divine health and to live in abundance in the name of -YESHUA - thank you ABBA FATHER - that the listeners saying this prayer be blessed in a supernatural way in every area of their lives - let them know - their person & prayer is never alone- and you will never leave them and you will never forsake them you promise not to leave them without support - you promised to therefore be their victory - those whose minds are steadfast on you - you promised to never leave them helpless and therefore the victory is theirs in YESHUA - name we pray - HALLELUYAH AMEIN .

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