Monday, July 11, 2016


To the chief singer on ' Death of the son . ' A psalm of Dawid . 
I praise You , O YHWH , with all my heart ; 
I declare all Your wonders .
I rejoice and exult in You ; 
I sing praise to Your Name , O Most High . 
When my enemies turn back ,
They stumble and perish before You . 
For You executed my right and my cause , 
You sat The throne judging in righteousness . 
You have rebuked the gentiles , 
You you have destroyed the wicked , 
You have wiped out their name forever and ever , 
The enemy is no more - ruins everlasting ,
And You have uprooted the cities ; 
Evan there remembrance has perished . 
But YHWH " abides forever ,
He is preparing His thrown for judgment . 
And He judges the world in righteousness ,
He judges the peoples in straightness . 
And YHWH is A refuge for the crushed one ,
A refuge in times of distress . 
And those who know Your Name trust in You ,
For You have not forsaken The those who seek You , O YHWH , 
Sing praises to YHWH , who dwells in Tsiyon !
Declare His deeds among the peoples. 
For He remembers the seekers of bloodshed ,
He does not forget the cry of the afflicted . 
Show favor to me , O YHWH !
See my affliction by those who hate me ,
You Who lift me up from the gates of death , 
So that I declare all Your praise
In The gates of the daughter of Tsiyon .
I rejoice in Your deliverance . 
The gentiles have sunk down in the pit which they made ;
In The net which they hid , their and foot is caught . 
YHWH has made Himself known ,
He has done right - ruling ;
of his own hands . Meditation . Selah . 
The wicked return to the grave ,
All The Gentiles that forget Elohim .
For The needy is not always forgotten ;
Neither the expectancy of the poor lost forever . 
Arise , O YHWH ,
Do not let man prevail ;
Let The gentiles be judged before Your face . 
Put them in fear , O YHWH ,
Let The Gentiles know they are mortal . Selah .

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