Monday, July 11, 2016


A Meldodious pome of Dawid, which he sang to YHWH , concerning the words of Kush the Binyamite . 
O YHWH my Elohim, in You I have taken refuge; 
Save me from all my pursuers ; and deliver me, 
Least they tear at my throat like a lion, 
Rending in pieces , with no one to deliver . 
O YHWH my ELohim , If I have done this : 
If there is unrighteousness in my hands , 
If I have done evil to him who was at peace with me , 
Or have plundered my enemy without cause , 
Let the enemy pursue me and overtake my being , 
And trample my life to the ground. 
And lay my esteem in the dust, Selah. 
Arise , O YHWH , in Your displeasure ; 
Lift Yourself up against the rage of my adversaries, 
And awake for me! You shall command judgment !
And let the congregation of the peoples gather about You ;
And over them return on high. 
YHWH judges the peoples ; Judge me O YHWH , according to my righteousness , 
And according to my integrity within me . 
Please let the evil of the wicked be ended,
And establish the righteous;
For The righteous Elohim is a trier of hearts in kidneys. 
My shield is upon Elohim ,
Who seize the upright in heart , 
Elohim is a righteous judge.
And El is enraged every day , 
If one does not repent !
He Sharpens His sword ,
He bends His bow and makes it ready , 
And He has prepared for Himself Instruments of death ,
He Makes His arrows hot for pursuers . 
See , he Who is bound with wickedness , 
And has conceived travel and brought forth falsehood , 
He has made a fit and dug it out ,
And Falls into the ditch he made ! 
His trouble turns back up on his own head , 
And his wickedness come down on the top of his head. 
I give thanks to YHWH according to His righteousness ,
And praise the Name of YHWH Most High .

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