Thursday, May 19, 2016

- 🌹- We Come to the morning prayer together- where I like to pray for anyone with listening to the sound of my voice - or reading this prayer -I will ask you to agree with me as we seek our heavenly father please continue to say this prayer for yourself - to speak this prayer daily - over and over again - let us pray ---  Abba Father YHWY - ELOHIM in The precious name of your beloved Ben YESHUA -- We come before you now - into the - agreement of the wonderful powerful name of YEHSHUA - for your word says whenever- two or more gathered there you should surely be - and anything we Ask in prayer touching you - you - will surely do - the Bible says that if there's any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before pray therefore we release the anger bad feelings resentment to you now in the name of YESHUA - through faith in the blood that was shed for us all - and the true fellowship in the Ruach Ha ' KADOSH we ask for - the deep filling - to be with us eternally in us and around us guiding us in all we do and say - We lift up the  listener to you Abba Father - we  thank you for this new day for the listeners- and we thank you and praise you -  that you have made this new day & we will rejoice and be glad in it ! - we together ask for - wisdom & revelation and understanding - for the listener for the things they will face today in YESHUA-   name - we speak strength and peace over them in the name of YESHUA- we ask that you anoint them personally - and charged them up personally to take on the tasks  they will face today - Help them with - abiding in your love - and in - impersonal unconditional love for all those they encounter -  please help them to look at the world through eyes of love - your love - your kind gentle and humble spirit- help them to see - others as you see them in YESHUA name - let the words and actions of the listeners be wrapped in your spirit and truth - your word and grace - ( Pitching their tent with you - ABBA FATHER - ELOHIM in YESHUA - CHRIST JESUS -) today let the listeners words that are spoken  today be wrapped in love at the person they are directed towards - right now we cast out - every thought of fear and worry -  thoughts that are Unpleasant  to your site ADORNI- And we ask that only thoughts that bless you and bless them remain in them -fill the mind of the listener today - we ask you lift them up - & protect them - let the listeners - submit to you and resist the devil and he will flee - bless the listeners to be a light in this dark world & let others  see YESHUA in them through- the words they speak and the actions they produce - let it be a Baruke to you Abba Father -  may they honor and be thankful for your precious loving kindness - may all the praise and glory be honoring to you Abba Father - in YESHUA name we pray AMEIN -

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