Monday, July 11, 2016


To the chief singer , on harp . A psalm of Dawid . 
O YHWH , our Adon , how excellent is Your Name in all the earth , 
You Who made Your splendor above the Shamayim ! 
Out of the mouth of children in infants
You have founded strength ,
Because of Your adversaries ,
To put in and to the enemy and avenger. 
For I see Your Shamayim , the work of Your fingers ,
The Moon in the stars, which You I have Established . 
What is me in that You remember him ?
And The son of me in that You visit him ? 
Yet You have made him a little less than Elohim ,
And have Crown him with esteem and splendor .
You made him rule over the works of Your hands ;
You have put all under his feet , 
All she's in Oxon ,
And also the beast of the field , 
The birds of the Shamayim ,
and The fish of the sea , 
Passing through the paths of the seas . 
O YHWH , our Adon , how excellent is Your Name in all the earth !

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