Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Encouragement - Using - HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES -

MISHLEY 18:10 - PROVERBS 18:10 -

THE Name of YHWH is a strong tower ; The righteous run into it and are safe . 

MISHLEY 3:5-6. - PROVERBS 3:5-6 -

Trust in YHWH with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
Know him in all your ways and he makes all your paths straight.

YESHAYAHU 41:10 - ISAIAH 41:10 -

Do not fear for I am with you do not look around for I am your ELOHIM . I shall strengthen you, I shall also help you, I shall also uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.'

YOHANAN 14:27. - JOHN 14:27 -

Peace I leave with you - My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be trouble, neither let it be afraid.

YOHANAN 16:33. - JOHN 16:33. -

" These I have spoken to you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you will have pressure, but take courage I have overcome the world."

TEHILLIM. 46:1-3 PSALMS 46:1-3 -

ELOHIM is our refuge and our strength, A help in distress, soon found. Therefore we do not fear, Though there are reels
And mountains tropple into the heart of the seas.
Let it's Waters rage , foam; Let mountains shake with it's swelling. Selah .

2 TIMOTIYOS 1:7 - 2 TIMOTHY. 1:7 -

For ELOHIM has not given us a Spirit of Cowardice, but of power and of love of self - control.

TEHILLIM 16:8-9. PSALMS 16:8-9. -

I have put YHWH always before me; Because He is that my right hand I am not shaken.
Therefore my thought was glad, in my esteem rejoices;
My Flesh also dwells in safely.

TEHILLIM 55:22. PSALMS 55:22 -

Cast your curtain on YHWH , And let Him sustain you; He never allows the righteous to be shaken.

1 KEPHA 5:7. 1 PETER 5:7. -

Casting call you worry upon Him , for He is concerned about you.

YESHAYAHU 26:3. ISAIAH 26:3. -

" The One steadfast of mind You guard in perfect peace, for he trusts in You.

TEHILLIM 118:14-16 PSALMS 118:14-16. -

YAH is my strength and song, And He has become my deliverance. The Voice of rejoicing in deliverance is in the tense of the righteous; The right hand YHWH is doing mightily . The right hand of YHWH. Is exalted, The right hand of YHWH acts mightily .

TEHILLIM 119:114-115. - PSALMS. - 119:114-115. -

You are my hiding place and my shield; I have waited for Your Word. Turn away from me, you evil- doers, For I serve the Commands of my ELOHIM !

TEHILLIM 119:25. - PSALMS 119:25. -

My being has been clinging to the dust; Revive give me according to your Word .

TEHILLIM 119:50 - PSALMS 119:50 -

This is my coat fit in my affliction,
For Your Word has given me Hai .

TEHILLIM 119:71. - PSALMS. 119:71. -

It was good for me that I was afflicted, That I might learn Your Laws.

TEHILLIM 120:1. - PSALMS. 120:1. -

In my distress I cried to YHWH , And He answered me .

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