Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Thank You ADORNI - Lord ! Just Thank Him ! Yeshua ! -Jesus ! A Prayer of Surrender to Abba Father, My - ( ELOHIM ) - God And King, 
May I love You , in all things and above all things. My True love the true lover of my Soul !
May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in heaven and on earth !
To glorify you now and in time !
Nothing is good that is against Your Will, But we know all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose . May we continue to be obedient in ( FAVIOR ) - Grace in your Will & Word .
and all that is good comes from Your Hand.
Place in my heart a desire to please You , a holy - ( KADOSH ) desire to know you in spirit and in truth , In your Word , Personally & Deeply Truly, Let my responses and actions be one with your will in your amassing Love .
Fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love, Peace & Serenity ,...
so that I may grow in Grace & Love !,..Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace. With all Joy ! Receiving all your Precious Blessing you have in your holy will in abundance in my life ! Bless in your Perfect Love your people chosen for salvation . Protect us from every form of evil and tricks from the evil one as in your Prayer from your beloved Son - ( YESHUA ) - Christ Jesus in John 17. Bless me Abba Father with the gifts and anointing you have purposed for my life a vessel of mercy The illuminating and emedowd power in the - ( RUACH HA KADOSH ) - Holy Spirit, to be used at your divine time and choice to bring many people and tongues , to the Saving Knowledge!, Love and the Word !, Your Son - ( YESHUA ) - Christ Jesus . For them to come to the knowledge of Your will for their lives ! according to your will ! A Spirit Filled Life knowing your spirit personally , The sweet knowledge of your Word ! The Gospel of - ( YESHUA ) Christ ! Your will be done according to your holy purpose Abba Father in ( YESHUA ) - Christ Precious name by the power of your Will Amen. In - ( YESHUA ) - Christ -Grace - Pitch Your - TENT WITH ELOHIM -
By : Lorry Buehler

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