Tuesday, June 7, 2016

To The chief singer, on stringed Instruments. A psalm of Dawid .
Answer me when I call , O ELOHIM of my righteousness! 
You gave relief to me when I was in distress;
Show favor to me, and he and my prayer .
Till when, O you sons of men, Would you turn my esteem to shame,
Would. You love emptiness, seek falsehood ? Selah .
But know that YHWY Has separated a kind one for Himself;
YHWY he has heard when I call to Him .
Tremble , and do not sin .
Speak within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah.
Offer slaughtering of righteousness,
And trust in YHWY.
Many are saying, " Who. Would show us good?" YHWY , Lift up the light of Your face upon us . You have put more gladness in my heart. 
Than in the season that the grain and wine increased. I Lie down in peace altogether , and sleep; For You alone , O YHWY, make me dwell in safety.

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