Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Tehillim 10 - Psalms 10
What do You stand afar-off , O YHWH , Hiding in times of distress ?
In arrogance the wicked hotly pursues the poor ;
They our core by the schemes which they devised. 
For The wicked boasted of his cravings ;
And The greedy one cursed and despised YHWH . 
In The pride of his face
The wicked does not seek ,
In well his thoughts there is no Elohim ! 
His ways are always prosperous !
Your Right- Rulings are on high out of sight !
He shorts at all of his adversaries ! 
He has said in his heart , " I shall not be moved ;
From generation to generation never be in evil" 
His mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression ;
Under his tongue is trouble and wickedness . 
He sits in the hiding places of the villages ;
In the secret places he murders the innocent ; 
His I are on the lookout for the helpless . 
He lives in week in a secret place ,
as a lion in in his den ;
He lies in wait to catch the poor ;
He catches the poor , drawing
him into his net . 
And he crouches , he lies low ,
And The helpless fall under his strength . 
He has said it his heart , " EL has forgotten ,
He has it in his face ,
He she'll never see . " 
Arise , O YHWH !
O EL , lift up Your hand !
Do not forget the lonely ones . 
Why do the wicked scorn Elohim ?
He has said it in his heart , "It is not required , "
You have seen it , for You observe trouble and grief ,
T repay with Your hand . The
poor commits himself to You ;
You other helper of the fatherless . 
Break The half of the wicked in the evil one ;
Search out his wickedness that would not be found out . 
YHWH is Sovereign forever and ever ;
The gentiles shall perish from His land . 
YHWH , You have the desire of the lonely ones ;
You prepare their heart ; You incline Your ear , 
To defend the fatherless and the down - trodden ;
So that man who is of the earth no longer oppresses !